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Quiz 9

Of the following cross sectional OCT images below, which image most likely has a maximum calcium arc of 308o?
Post stent optical coherence tomography is performed. What is visualized in the OCT below?
What can be visualized by the OCT pullback below?
Which post stent OCT finding can be identified from the OCT pullback below?​
Which OCT finding is demonstrated by the OCT pullback below?​​
A patient presents with chest pain and is found to have a ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Based on the OCT pullback below, what is the cause?
A 62-year-old man with a known history of coronary artery disease status post multiple coronary interventions, presents to his outpatient physician with unstable angina. Given his history and worsening symptoms the patient is referred for coronary angiography. Based on the OCT pullback below, what is the finding?
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